Runtime 132 min
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Genre Drama
Release 01/25/02
Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dakota Fanning
Jessie Nelson
Sam Dawson has the mental capacity of a 7yo. He has a daughter who's homeless mother has abandons them both. Sam's difficulties become problematic, and she's taken away. Sam finds a lawyer who tells the case pro bono. In the process, he teaches her a great deal about love and whether it's really all needed.
Genre Drama
Release 01/25/02
Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dakota Fanning
Jessie Nelson
Sam Dawson has the mental capacity of a 7yo. He has a daughter who's homeless mother has abandons them both. Sam's difficulties become problematic, and she's taken away. Sam finds a lawyer who tells the case pro bono. In the process, he teaches her a great deal about love and whether it's really all needed.